Sunday, August 1, 2010

Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan F**ks Up… Again

Lindsay Lohan was majorly late for the photography session to shoot her own fashion line – 6126 – and the drama was all caught on the photography team — Markus Klinko and Indrani’s new Bravo reality show, Double Exposure. As if turning up late isn’t bad enough, Lilo has accused the cable network and others of purposely giving her the wrong calltime to make her look bad.

I'm doing things my way
I'm doing things my way

“I was really upset by her take on things,” Indrani said. "It was very upsetting to feel like she's saying that we lied, which we absolutely did not at all. Quite the contrary. We hung in there for her and I feel like it would be nice if she appreciated that a little bit because we've been there for her completely."

So how much could LiLo’s tardiness possibly cost? Klinko said a similar project would usually run between US$150,000 to US$200,000. "Not specific to this shoot, but in general, we basically could be in a situation where US$150,000 gets added to the budget," he said.

Personally, and I’m sure y’all agree, I don’t think Lilo needs any help from anybody to make her look bad cos time and time again she’s proven that she’s perfectly capable of doing it all on her own!